Most 主人 families are busy people who want to include their exchange students into their daily life. They treat their student as they would treat their own child. Hosts generally provide their student with a bed, 餐, 一个安静的学习场所, 协助运输, and a safe and caring family environment.
Host family activities usually include cross-cultural activities that help students grow closer to their 主人 family members, better understand and adjust to their 主人 culture, make great friends and enjoy successful exchange programs.
Examples of some 主人 families profiles may include families with children, 单亲父母, 单身, “空巢老人”, 等.
Exchange students are expected to participate in their 主人 family’s daily life and activities and follow 主人 family rules. They attend the local high 学校 and take part in extracurricular activities together with their classmates. All 学校-related and personal expenses are covered by the students themselves.
Common talking points about 主人ing exchange students
Do you have any of the following concerns about 主人ing? 这就是你为什么 应该 主人!
Host parents without children in the home have proven to be great 主人 parents! They are just as caring as families with kids in the home. Exchange students match well in families without children. In their classes and extracurricular activities students meet other young people and form close friendships. NWSE actively encourages exchange students to make friends and participate in extracurricular activities in 学校 and the local community. Let us help you select a student whom you would enjoy 主人ing in your family.
I can’t entertain a student or provide sightseeing trips
Host families are not expected to act as tour guides. The purpose of exchange programs is to allow exchange students to learn about their 主人 culture by participating in the everyday life of their 主人 family, 学校, 和社区. Host families are not expected to provide constant entertainment or travel with their exchange students. We do encourage families to “show off” the main points of their local community to their student when it is convenient to do so. 的关系, 的见解, and skills that students and 主人 families alike gain during the exchange are the greatest rewards of the program.
I can’t afford to 澳门足球开户
Host families are not responsible for the student’s personal expenses, 包括旅游, 在外购买的餐食, 体育活动费, 化妆品, 电话费用, 学校的费用, 医疗费用, 等. Host families must be able to provide a warm, 支持和关怀的环境, 一日三餐营养丰富, and perhaps some assistance with rides to and from activities. Let us know if you have any specific question or concern.
I expect to be away from home for some time during the exchange
Exchange students can stay with a family of one of their or your friends during your absence. Don’t let a few trips during the year prevent you from an amazing experience! NWSE will take care of screening those families, if necessary.
I can’t commit to 主人ing for a whole semester or 学校 year
没有问题. Welcoming a student for a few weeks is very rewarding! You can 澳门足球开户 as a welcome 主人 for the first one or two months of their stay in the U.S. NWSE will move the student to a long-term 主人 family in your community during that time, 除非, 当然, you and your family have decided to keep the student! Placements with welcome families give students the opportunity to experience life and friendships with more than one family in the U.S.
I’m single and don’t have any children at home
Some of our best 主人 families are 单身 without children, or who have grown children who no longer live at home. We are happy to help you select a student who promises to be a good match for you! Let us know if you’d like to 主人 or get more information, and we’ll be in touch right away!